Painting my dog blue

Over a year ago, I was carpooling with a group of friends from work and on picking up, one member pointed out an old sign that had been taken off the front of the salon below her apartment. It was a simple hand painted sheet of plywood that looked like it had been battling the elements for a number of years. I was immediately intrigued and charmed by it, so much so that I asked my friend (yes, Kieth) stop one evening on returning from work and throw it in the back of his truck. I kept it at the side of our house for over a year until I was under threat of having to throw it out.

The time had come to paint the sign. I was determined to not have this turn out like most of my other paintings and take months, if not years to complete so I held myself to one weekend. Sketching quickly, and in retrospect borrowing heavily from one of my favorite artists who will go unnamed (I'll let you guess) I tried to get this done as rapidly as I could and still get a good result.

Starting after work on Friday night I sanded and primed, leaving a faint trace of the hand painted sign underneath. Using my awesome and very sleepy dog as an easy source of material and with the help of Jules, we were able to get done painting on Tuesday night. Not quite the weekend but on my track record, not bad at all. Capt. Kieth came to the rescue once again to help hang the sign, which weighs upwards of 100lbs I'm sure, even after having a cycling collision with a reckless BMW driver on his way over, he still got it done.